Saturday, July 31, 2010

Day 23 - Class, Kibbutz Lotan, Kfar Hanokdim Bedouin Tents

Moshe and a Lotan kibbutz member
Camel loading can be scary!
Gilad enjoying the camel

Josh, Zack, Richard, Sam, and Victoria enjoying a Bedouin style meal
Taylor, Deborah, Marc, and Netanya at the tents

After class, we departed Eilat. We visted Kibbutz Lotan, an eco-friendly kibbutz. It was interesting to see how the kibbutz strives to live as harmoniously as possible with the environment. In the evening, we arrived at Kfar Hanokdim for our Bedouin tent experience. The camel rides were alot of fun! After, we were ate our dinner Bedouin style, in our tent and on the floor. We then learned about Bedouin culture and music from a Bedouin presenter. We were served sweet tea and bitter coffee as part of the cultural experience. We had a great time!

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